Ag Grid Community Version v32.0.0: The Filter Fiasco
Image by Calianna -

Ag Grid Community Version v32.0.0: The Filter Fiasco

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Are you one of the many Ag Grid enthusiasts who upgraded to version v32.0.0, only to find that your filtering functionality has gone haywire? You’re not alone! The latest community version of Ag Grid has brought about a host of changes, but one particular issue has left many developers scratching their heads. In this article, we’ll delve into the problem, explore its causes, and provide you with solutions to get your filtering back on track.

The Problem: filter = true and the Grid Breaks

When you set filter = true in your Ag Grid configuration, you expect the grid to enable filtering for your data. However, with version v32.0.0, this simple configuration change can cause the entire grid to break. The symptoms may vary, but common issues include:

  • The grid not rendering at all
  • Filters not being applied correctly
  • Data not being displayed
  • Error messages galore!

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s take a step back and understand what’s changed in v32.0.0 that’s causing this issue.

What’s New in Ag Grid v32.0.0?

    Ag Grid v32.0.0 introduced significant changes to the filtering mechanism. The new version now uses a more modular and flexible filtering system, which is great for customization but can be a nightmare for existing implementations.

The primary culprit behind the filter = true issue is the introduction of the filterModules property. This property allows you to customize the filtering experience by adding or removing filter modules. Sounds cool, right? However, this new property has created a dependency that can cause the grid to break if not configured correctly.

Solutions to the Filter Fiasco

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! To get your filtering working again, follow these steps:

  1. Update Your Ag Grid Configuration

    Make sure you’re using the latest version of Ag Grid (v32.0.0 or higher). Then, update your grid configuration to include the filterModules property:

            const gridOptions = {
              columnDefs: [...],
              filter: true,
              filterModules: [FiltersModule]
  2. Declare the FiltersModule

    In your component, import the FiltersModule from '@ag-grid-community/filter' and declare it as a provider:

            import { FiltersModule } from '@ag-grid-community/filter';
              selector: 'app-grid',
              template: ''
            export class GridComponent {
              columnDefs = [...];
              filter = true;
              filterModules = [FiltersModule];
  3. Verify Your Filter Configuration

    Double-check your filter configuration to ensure it’s correctly set up. Make sure you’re using the correct filter types and that your filterParams are correctly defined:

            const columnDefs = [
                field: 'athlete',
                filter: 'agTextColumnFilter'
                field: 'age',
                filter: 'agNumberColumnFilter',
                filterParams: {
                  buttons: ['reset', 'apply']

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re still experiencing issues after updating your configuration, here are some additional troubleshooting tips:

  • Check your browser console for error messages
  • Verify that you’re using the correct Ag Grid version (v32.0.0 or higher)
  • Ensure that your filterModules are correctly imported and declared
  • Review your filter configuration to ensure it’s correctly set up
Common Error Solution
Error: FiltersModule not found Verify that you’ve imported the FiltersModule correctly
Error: filterModules is not a function Check that you’ve declared the filterModules property correctly in your grid configuration
Error: Filter not applied correctly Review your filter configuration to ensure it’s correctly set up


The Ag Grid Community Version v32.0.0 has brought about a plethora of changes, and the filtering mechanism is one of the most significant updates. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to get your filtering functionality back on track. Remember to update your configuration, declare the FiltersModule, and verify your filter configuration. If you’re still experiencing issues, refer to the troubleshooting tips provided. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Discover the solutions to the most pressing issues concerning Ag Grid Community Version v32.0.0 and its filter functionality.

Why does my Ag Grid Community Version v32.0.0 break when I set filter = true?

This issue arises due to a known bug in Ag Grid Community Version v32.0.0. The grid becomes unresponsive when the filter is enabled. To resolve this, consider downgrading to a previous version or applying a patch until the issue is addressed in a future release.

Is there a workaround to enable filtering in Ag Grid Community Version v32.0.0?

One possible solution is to implement a custom filtering function outside of the Ag Grid filtering mechanism. This approach requires additional development effort but allows you to maintain filtering capabilities while avoiding the bug.

Can I still use Ag Grid Community Version v32.0.0 for other features besides filtering?

Absolutely! The filtering bug does not affect other Ag Grid features like sorting, grouping, and pivoting. You can continue to utilize these features without hindrance, while exploring alternative filtering solutions or awaiting a future update that addresses the issue.

Are there any plans to fix the filtering issue in Ag Grid Community Version v32.0.0?

The Ag Grid development team is aware of the issue and working on a fix. Keep an eye on their official documentation and release notes for updates on when the patch will be available.

How can I stay informed about Ag Grid updates and patches?

Regularly check the Ag Grid official website, blog, and social media channels for the latest news, release notes, and documentation updates. You can also subscribe to their newsletter or join their community forums to stay informed about new features, bug fixes, and best practices.

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