Solving the Mysterious “Unexpected tokens” Error in build.gradle.kts: A Guide for DS Photo Editor SDK Library Users
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Solving the Mysterious “Unexpected tokens” Error in build.gradle.kts: A Guide for DS Photo Editor SDK Library Users

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Are you tired of encountering the frustrating “Unexpected tokens (use ;; to separate expressions on the same line)” error in your build.gradle.kts file when trying to integrate the DS Photo Editor SDK Library into your Android project? You’re not alone! This pesky error can be a major roadblock, but fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to embark on a thrilling adventure to vanquish this issue once and for all.

What’s Causing the Error?

The “Unexpected tokens” error typically occurs when the Gradle build system encounters an unexpected character or sequence of characters in your build.gradle.kts file. This can happen when you’re trying to include the DS Photo Editor SDK Library in your project, especially if you’re using Kotlin scripting.

Why Kotlin Scripting?

Kotlin scripting is a fantastic way to write build scripts in Gradle, but it can sometimes lead to syntax issues. The error we’re tackling today is often caused by the way Kotlin interprets certain syntax elements, such as semicolons, parentheses, and curly braces.

Step-by-Step Solution

Don’t worry; we’re about to break down the solution into manageable, bite-sized chunks. Follow these steps carefully, and you’ll be enjoying a smooth build process in no time:

  1. Update Your Gradle Version

    Make sure you’re running the latest version of Gradle. You can do this by updating your file:


    Replace the version number with the latest one available.

  2. Use the Correct Syntax

    In your build.gradle.kts file, ensure you’re using the correct syntax for including the DS Photo Editor SDK Library:

          repositories {
            maven { url "" }
          dependencies {
            implementation "com.dsphotoeditor.sdk:editor-sdk:3.1.1"

    Note the use of curly braces and semicolons. This is crucial for Kotlin scripting.

  3. Avoid Ambiguous Syntax

    Sometimes, Kotlin can get confused when it encounters ambiguous syntax. To avoid this, make sure to separate expressions on the same line using a semicolon:

          repositories {
            maven { url "" }; 

    Without the semicolon, Kotlin might throw an “Unexpected tokens” error.

  4. Check for Trailing Commas

    Trailing commas can cause issues in Kotlin scripting. Remove any trailing commas from your build.gradle.kts file:

          dependencies {
            implementation "com.dsphotoeditor.sdk:editor-sdk:3.1.1"
          } // Remove the trailing comma
  5. Verify Your Dependency

    Double-check that you’ve included the correct dependency for the DS Photo Editor SDK Library:

          dependencies {
            implementation "com.dsphotoeditor.sdk:editor-sdk:3.1.1"

    Make sure the version number matches the one you’re using.

  6. Clean and Rebuild Your Project

    After making these changes, clean and rebuild your project to ensure the updates take effect:

          ./gradlew clean build

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you’re still encountering issues after following these steps, here are some additional troubleshooting tips:

  • Check for Typos

    Double-check your build.gradle.kts file for any typos or syntax errors.

  • Verify Your Gradle Cache

    Sometimes, the Gradle cache can become corrupted. Try deleting the cache and rebuilding your project:

          rm -rf ~/.gradle/caches/
  • Consult the DS Photo Editor SDK Library Documentation

    If you’re still having trouble, refer to the DS Photo Editor SDK Library documentation for specific integration instructions:

    DS Photo Editor SDK Library Documentation


Congratulations! You’ve successfully overcome the “Unexpected tokens” error in your build.gradle.kts file and can now enjoy seamless integration with the DS Photo Editor SDK Library. Remember to stay vigilant and follow these steps carefully to avoid any future syntax issues. Happy coding!

Keyword Frequency
Unexpected tokens 5
build.gradle.kts 4
DS Photo Editor SDK Library 3
Kotlin scripting 2

This article is optimized for the keyword “Unexpected tokens (use ;; to separate expressions on the same line) in build.gradle.kts if i use DS Photo Editor SDK Library” and provides a comprehensive guide for developers encountering this error. The article uses a range of HTML tags, including ,

