Multiple Constructors Annotated with Lombok @Builder Cause a Problem?
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Multiple Constructors Annotated with Lombok @Builder Cause a Problem?

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Are you using Lombok’s @Builder annotation to simplify your Java class constructors, but running into issues when trying to use multiple constructors? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the problem, explore the reasons behind it, and provide solutions to help you overcome this hurdle.

What is Lombok’s @Builder Annotation?

Lombok is a popular Java library that aims to reduce boilerplate code in Java classes. One of its most useful features is the @Builder annotation, which allows you to generate a builder pattern for your class with minimal code. The builder pattern is a design pattern that provides a flexible way to construct objects step-by-step, allowing for more control and customization.

public class Person {
    private String name;
    private int age;
    private String occupation;

In the above example, Lombok generates a builder class for the Person class, allowing you to create objects using a fluent API:

Person person = Person.builder()
    .name("John Doe")
    .occupation("Software Engineer")

The Problem: Multiple Constructors Annotated with @Builder

Now, let’s say you want to add another constructor to your Person class, annotated with @Builder, to handle a different scenario:

public class Person {
    private String name;
    private int age;
    private String occupation;

    public Person(String name, int age) { = name;
        this.age = age;

    public Person(String name, String occupation) { = name;
        this.occupation = occupation;

You might expect Lombok to generate two separate builder classes, one for each constructor. However, this is where the problem arises. Lombok doesn’t support multiple constructors annotated with @Builder, and you’ll encounter a compilation error:

Error:(13, 1) java: Multiple markers at this line
    - Constructor 'Person(String, int)' is annotated with @Builder, but it is not the only constructor annotated with @Builder in this class
    - Constructor 'Person(String, String)' is annotated with @Builder, but it is not the only constructor annotated with @Builder in this class

Why Does This Happen?

Lombok’s @Builder annotation works by analyzing the constructor and generating a builder class based on its parameters. When you have multiple constructors annotated with @Builder, Lombok gets confused about which constructor to use for generating the builder class. This ambiguity leads to the compilation error.

Solutions to the Problem

Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered! Here are a few solutions to overcome this limitation:

1. Use a Single Constructor with Optional Parameters

One way to avoid the problem is to define a single constructor with optional parameters. You can use Java 8’s Optional class or Lombok’s @Nullable annotation to make the parameters optional:

public class Person {
    private String name;
    private int age;
    private String occupation;

    public Person(@Nullable String name, @Nullable Integer age, @Nullable String occupation) { = name;
        this.age = age;
        this.occupation = occupation;

This approach allows you to create objects with varying parameters, but it can lead to confusing API usage and may not be suitable for complex scenarios.

2. Use a Factory Method or Static Method

Another solution is to define a factory method or static method that returns an instance of the class. You can then use Lombok’s @Builder annotation on this method:

public class Person {
    private String name;
    private int age;
    private String occupation;

    public static Person createWithNameAndAge(String name, int age) {
        return builder().name(name).age(age).build();

    public static Person createWithNameAndOccupation(String name, String occupation) {
        return builder().name(name).occupation(occupation).build();

    public static Person builder() {
        return new Person();

This approach provides more flexibility and control over object creation, but it requires more boilerplate code.

3. Use Lombok’s @SuperBuilder Annotation (Lombok 1.18.0 and above)

If you’re using Lombok 1.18.0 or later, you can take advantage of the @SuperBuilder annotation, which allows you to define multiple constructors with @Builder:

public class Person {
    private String name;
    private int age;
    private String occupation;

    public Person(String name, int age) { = name;
        this.age = age;

    public Person(String name, String occupation) { = name;
        this.occupation = occupation;

This approach is the most elegant solution, as it allows you to define multiple constructors with @Builder annotation, and Lombok will generate separate builder classes for each constructor.


Multiple constructors annotated with Lombok’s @Builder annotation can cause a problem, but it’s not the end of the world! By understanding the reasons behind this limitation and using one of the solutions provided, you can overcome this hurdle and continue to enjoy the benefits of Lombok’s @Builder annotation. Remember to choose the solution that best fits your use case and coding style.

Solution Pros Cons
Single Constructor with Optional Parameters Easiest to implement, minimal code changes May lead to confusing API usage, not suitable for complex scenarios
Factory Method or Static Method Provides more control and flexibility, allows for complex scenarios Requires more boilerplate code, may lead to higher maintenance
Lombok’s @SuperBuilder Annotation Most elegant solution, allows multiple constructors with @Builder Requires Lombok 1.18.0 or later, may not be compatible with older projects

By applying these solutions, you’ll be able to create robust and maintainable Java classes with Lombok’s @Builder annotation, even when dealing with multiple constructors.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on the pesky problem of multiple constructors annotated with Lombok @Builder!

What’s the deal with multiple constructors annotated with Lombok @Builder?

When you have multiple constructors annotated with Lombok’s @Builder, it can cause confusion for the annotation processor. Lombok can’t determine which constructor to use for building the object, leading to errors and unexpected behavior. To avoid this, stick to a single constructor annotated with @Builder, or use the @SuperBuilder annotation if you need to handle multiple constructors.

Why does Lombok get confused with multiple @Builder constructors?

Lombok relies on the annotation processor to analyze the code and generate the necessary boilerplate code. When faced with multiple constructors annotated with @Builder, the processor can’t determine which constructor is the “primary” one to use for building the object. This results in ambiguity, causing errors and unexpected behavior. By limiting it to a single constructor, Lombok can confidently generate the correct code.

What if I need to handle multiple constructors with different parameters?

In that case, you can use Lombok’s @SuperBuilder annotation, which allows you to handle multiple constructors with different parameters. This annotation enables Lombok to generate a builder that can handle multiple constructor scenarios. Just be sure to annotate the constructors correctly, and Lombok will take care of the rest!

Can I use @Builder with other Lombok annotations, like @Data or @Value?

Yes, you can use @Builder in combination with other Lombok annotations like @Data or @Value. However, keep in mind that @Builder takes precedence over other annotations. If you use @Builder with @Data or @Value, Lombok will generate a builder based on the @Builder annotation, and ignore the other annotations. So, use them wisely!

What’s the best practice for using @Builder with Lombok?

The golden rule is to use a single constructor annotated with @Builder, and avoid using multiple constructors with the same annotation. If you need to handle multiple constructors, use @SuperBuilder. Also, be mindful of combining @Builder with other Lombok annotations, and make sure you understand the implications. By following these best practices, you’ll be building like a pro in no time!

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